Assault on Darvannis (2)Full unit name: Assault on Darvannis
Last updated: 30.08.2024 0:05:50
Basic info
First appearance: The Old Republic
The Old Republic
Happened during: The Cold War
The Cold War
Cold War (3653BBY - 3642BBY)
Known Facts (1)
Assault on Darvannis was one of the battles fought in 3648 BBY during the Cold War. Dread Master
Dread Masters
Dread Empire
Minor Characters (TOR)
went to the planet of Darvannis. It was there, from the shadows beneath Oasis City, that he corrupted the various mercenary
and Cartel
Hutt Cartel
Galaxy-Wide Organizations
groups to defend him as the Empire and Republic tore through the Hutt
Sentient Species
seized world. When confronted, Styrak stood at his throne next to his prized pet, a kell dragon and behind a vast number of his Dread Guards. During the battle the Dread Guards were destroyed along with his dragon. Undaunted, Styrak took to the battlefield himself, using his mastery of the Force to fight the strike team. In desperation, Styrak revived his dragon and soon used it and his leeching powers to try and finish the strike team off. When his pet fell once more, Styrak used the last of his powers to grow to a god like size and began to rampage at the team, only to be struck down again.
Styrak's death severely affected the Dread Masters, as their union required six members in order to maintain stability. After he was struck down, the Masters began to be overwhelmed with madness, and changed their plans from creating an Empire to slaughtering everyone in the galaxy, and then killing themselves,
See also
Related organizations
Dread MastersStructureCharactersStyrak
Related units, characters and other technologies
StyrakMembershipDread Masters
Complete list

Full unit name: Assault on Darvannis Last updated: 30.08.2024 0:05:50